Get everything you need to run a successful, stress-free 5-7 year olds BJJ programme!

Are you looking to start a 5-7 year old kids BJJ programme? Maybe you already have a 5-7’s programme, but you don’t know what to teach or want some fresh ideas?

If the answer is yes to any of those questions read on…

The 5-7’s programme is one of the most important parts of a successful Jiu Jitsu school. They grow up to be members of your older aged group classes and the future champions. They have siblings and parents who will join your school. And they can provide income necessary to keep the doors of your academy open.

So it’s crucial, you want to provide these kids with a positive training experience that will introduce them the sport we love and keep them coming back for more.

Too often instructors struggle to teach this age group…

Unfortunately, a lot of instructors find these classes the hardest to teach and dread even the thought of running them. However, It doesn’t have to be this way.

The 5-7’s classes can be some of the most enjoyable and rewarding. You’ll get to see tiny humans grow and develop into bright, confident kids. You get to see kids who can barely do a forward roll turn into little BJJ ninjas on the mat. And you’ll get to see the joy of a kids achieving things they thought impossible. This is providing you have two essential elements in place.

Two essential elements of a successful 5-7’s class…

Firstly, (despite what they might say) kids of this age thrive on structure. They need to know where they should be standing, the names of techniques, when to start and when to stop, and a hundred other things so the kids feel comfortable and confident every time they step on the mats.

Secondly, you need to have the right attitude and understand what this age group is capable of and how they can be expected them to act.

If you include these two elements, you’ll be a good way to teaching an awesome 5-7’s BJJ class.

We’ve done the hard work for you…

The problem is that a lot of instructors simply don’t have time or don’t know how to create a well-structured kids programme that focuses on the right techniques for this age group.

We know… it’s taken us months to create a curriculum that can be easily used by anyone. That’s two of us with decades of combined experience working to iron out the kinks in the programme.

It’s no wonder individual business owner/instructor often don’t have the time or the energy to invest in that kind of experimentation. That’s why we ended up working so hard to produce this programme for other instructors.

Instantly plugged into your academy…

We’ve done the hard work for you and created a curriculum that can be instantly plugged into any academy to create a world class 5-7’s programme and taught by anyone who has a basic understanding of Jiu Jitsu.

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of the curriculum and how it’ll benefit you, you might be wondering who we are and why you should listen to us.

Why should you listen to us?

Escapology BJJ is run by Tom Barlow & Chelsea Leah. Both of us are seasoned competitors and have fought at the highest level of Jiu Jitsu.

Tom and Chels

Tom is a 3x No Gi World Champion, European Champion, ADCC Finalist, and Polaris veteran. You may have also heard his voice without realising it, as he’s one of the commentators for Polaris.

Chelsea has won the worlds as Brown belt, medalled at every major championship as a Black Belt, and competed on Metamoris, Polaris, Fight to Win Pro, and Five Super League.

Due to our successful competition records and (arguably more importantly) our reputation as excellent teachers, we are highly sort after to teach seminars.

Whenever we teach a seminar, we are asked about curriculums and whether they’re beneficial— and it’s usually time-crunched instructors/gym owners asking us. The second question is usually whether we have any available.

Our answer to the first question is always YES, curriculums are essential— and until recently, our answer to the second was unfortunately no, we don’t have them available.

Over 150 students in under a year

Long story short, after about the hundredth question about our curriculums, we decided to do something about it and make our curriculum’s available to the world. These are the same curriculums that has helped us grow our Academy to over 150 students in under a year.

We haven’t held anything back— this is literally the curriculum we use to teach our kids classes with nothing omitted and no “fat” added.

Introducing The 5-7’s Curriculum

When we decided to make our 5-7’s curriculum available, we wanted to create something that can be instantly used by any academy and taught by anyone with a decent foundational understanding of BJJ. I’m pleased to say that we’ve achieved that.

The 5-7’s BJJ Curriculum is a 26 Week Programme that can be used in existing 5-7’s classes or to start a brand new programme. It will take the kids with zero knowledge of BJJ and teach them what BJJ is, the positions and techniques they need to know, and set them up for your more advanced programmes.

Most importantly, you’ll discover how to teach these techniques in an age-appropriate manner that the kids will love and you’ll love to teach.

Four Phase Programme

We settled on a 4-phase programme designed to help you grow your programme from scratch to a thriving class full of kids well on their way to becoming future black belts and excited to learn more Jiu Jitsu.

Phase 1 (6 weeks) – Developing physical contact comfort levels and understanding basic positions 
Phase 2 (6 weeks) – Develop an understanding of how positions link together and positional control.
Phase 3 (8 weeks) – Bottom game development (guard and escapes)
Phase 4 (6 weeks) – Submissions and paths to the back.

As you can see, each phase is focused on developing a specific aspect of Jiu Jitsu. However, within all the phases there are drills and techniques the kids will do time and time again to build skills and confidence.

The beautiful thing about this curriculum is it doesn’t mater which week a child starts. While each lesson reinforces what we previously covered, it also doesn’t require any previous knowledge of Jiu Jitsu. That means the programme can be run year round, and kids can join at any point, which is great for your academies growth.

To help the instructor understand the goals of the lesson and techniques to be taught throughout the week, each video is broken down into three sections.

Check out the video below and see what that looks like in real life:

Each video is broken into two sections…

Section 1 covers an introduction and explains what we’re trying to achieve, how it applies to Jiu Jitsu as a whole, and common errors we see when we teach this particular position.

We also discuss some idea for drills and ways to improve the kids understanding of the position. Check out an sample concept below:

Section 2 covers the core techniques for the position, drills to help improve them, and the common mistakes we see kids make. Check out a sample drill below:

Six months of lesson plans

Each video is accompanied by a lesson plan. These lesson plans can be adapted whether you have one 5-7’s class a week or multiple classes. The lesson plans are also broken down into sections to make them easy to follow.

Section 1 covers the goals of the class and safety precautions to be taken by the instructor.

Section 2 is an outline of the techniques to be taught, and some optional technique to include to disguise repetition.

Section 3 contains an approximate timeline of the class.

To give you an idea of what a lesson plan looks like and how they can be used, check out the sample lesson plan below:

As you can see, there is a huge amount included in the 5-7’s Kids BJJ Curriculum, but we’ve decided to make sure you have everything necessary to run a successful beginner’s programme— so we’ve added in a few bonuses.

We’ve added a few bonuses…

Bonus 1 – How To Teach Tiny Humans

In addition to the lesson plans and videos, you’ll also recieve our eBook “How To Teach Tiny Humans.” This eBook is an in-depth look into how to teach a kids class so students enjoy it— without stressing or burning yourself out.

We firmly believe that learning to teach is a different skill set than learning BJJ, and we’ve spent years learning and developing pedagogical techniques that are appropriate in a BJJ classroom.

In the eBook you’ll learn the flow of a class from start to finish, expectations and developmental markers for different age groups, how to deal with problem students professionally, and so much more.

Bonus 2 – Video breakdown of a 5-7’s class

Another bonus you’ll get is a breakdown of one of the 5-7’s at our academy. We’ve gone through and discussed all the different pieces of the curriculum in a real-time class so you can see just how easy it is to use.

Once we developed the 5-7’s curriculum, we handed off the programme to Adam (one of our blue belts) and have allowed him the autonomy to teach and develop the students within the framework with minimal oversight.

Adam has great enthusiasm and rapport with the kids, which is all he needs for success because the curriculum is already laid out— and we know that when these students move into our more advanced kids classes, they’ll have the basic knowledge and skills they need to succeed. No more micromanagement, thank goodness!

Don’t Take Our Word For It…

Take a look at some of the feedback we’ve had from instructors that have purchased the 5-7’s Curriculum:

“Thanks for this great work. I really like the game ideas. I’m looking forward to training with my kids and the rest of this program.” 

Mike B. (Black Belt)

“This material is excellent!” 

– Kristoff L. (Black Belt)

“Theses are second to none from one of the best in in the world. Tom and Chelsea’s knowledge and experience is exceptional!”

Malcolm E. (Blue Belt)

These video instructionals are some of the best I’ve seen. It’s great you get the videos and the lessons plans for each week.

Simon S. (Brown Belt)

Ready to get the 5-7’s Kids BJJ Curriculum

If the answer is yes, then you need to get then here’s what you’ll get if you order it today:

  • 10 Part Instructional that are filmed from multiple angles and can be download to of your laptop, mobile, or tablet so you can watch them anywhere.
  • 26 Weeks worth of lesson plans so you know what to train, and how to make the most out of every session.
  • Bonus #1 – How To Teach Tiny Humans ebook to help you teach an awesome class that’ll have your students coming back for more.
  • Bonus #2 – Video Breakdown of a 5-7’s Class so you can see how it’s taught and keep details for a successful session.
  • Any future updates we make to the Curriculum and anything we add to the final product so you have the most up-to-date version as possible.

For the amount of information, and that you getting a ready built beginner’s programme, we could’ve charged a lot of the 5-7’s BJJ Curriculum. (We’ve seen for a ready built programmes sale for $1999 in the past).

However, we love Jiu Jitsu and we want as many people as possible to have access to great kids BJJ programmes, so you can get the complete Curriculum today for only


(For a limited time)

All you need to do is click the button below, create your account, and complete your purchase.

Our Guarantee

When we started selling instructional’s, we made two promises to ourselves:

(1) The instructional’s will ALWAYS be available to download if you lose them. (2) If you don’t believe the cost of the instructional was worth the investment, we’ll give you a full instant refund.

We stand by this guarantee today. So, if for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied, let us know and we’ll give you an instant refund. Or if you ever lose a copy of an instructional send me your receipt and we’ll send you a new copy.

Are you ready to get the 5-7’s curriculum?

Click the button below and get instant access to the Curriculum and Bonuses for only £299

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download the curriculum?

Yes. If you purchase the curriculum outright, you can download it as many times as you like.

Will the curriculum work for me if I only have one / two / etc competition class a week?

Yes. The curriculum is designed to work whether you have one class a week or daily sessions.

What payment methods do you accept?

You can pay with PayPal or using a credit or debit card. All payments are encrypted & 100% secure! ????

How much is the curriculum in my local currency?

Please click the link below:

Currency Converter

Enter the course price in British Pounds and calculate the price in your currency

How long do I get access for?

You get lifetime access to this course and all updates we make. The course will be available on our courses page HERE

I’ve lost my log in details / I have a specific question.

Not a problem. Send an email to

Buy Now


Get everything you need to run a successful, stress-free 5-7 year olds BJJ programme!

Are you looking to start a 5-7 year old kids BJJ programme? Maybe you already have a 5-7’s programme, but you don’t know what to teach or want some fresh ideas?

If the answer is yes to any of those questions read on…

The 5-7’s programme is one of the most important parts of a successful Jiu Jitsu school. They grow up to be members of your older aged group classes and the future champions. They have siblings and parents who will join your school. And they can provide income necessary to keep the doors of your academy open.

So it’s crucial, you want to provide these kids with a positive training experience that will introduce them the sport we love and keep them coming back for more.

Too often instructors struggle to teach this age group…

Unfortunately, a lot of instructors find these classes the hardest to teach and dread even the thought of running them. However, It doesn’t have to be this way.

The 5-7’s classes can be some of the most enjoyable and rewarding. You’ll get to see tiny humans grow and develop into bright, confident kids. You get to see kids who can barely do a forward roll turn into little BJJ ninjas on the mat. And you’ll get to see the joy of a kids achieving things they thought impossible. This is providing you have two essential elements in place.

Two essential elements of a successful 5-7’s class…

Firstly, (despite what they might say) kids of this age thrive on structure. They need to know where they should be standing, the names of techniques, when to start and when to stop, and a hundred other things so the kids feel comfortable and confident every time they step on the mats.

Secondly, you need to have the right attitude and understand what this age group is capable of and how they can be expected them to act.

If you include these two elements, you’ll be a good way to teaching an awesome 5-7’s BJJ class.

We’ve done the hard work for you…

The problem is that a lot of instructors simply don’t have time or don’t know how to create a well-structured kids programme that focuses on the right techniques for this age group.

We know… it’s taken us months to create a curriculum that can be easily used by anyone. That’s two of us with decades of combined experience working to iron out the kinks in the programme.

It’s no wonder individual business owner/instructor often don’t have the time or the energy to invest in that kind of experimentation. That’s why we ended up working so hard to produce this programme for other instructors.

Instantly plugged into your academy…

We’ve done the hard work for you and created a curriculum that can be instantly plugged into any academy to create a world class 5-7’s programme and taught by anyone who has a basic understanding of Jiu Jitsu.

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of the curriculum and how it’ll benefit you, you might be wondering who we are and why you should listen to us.

Why should you listen to us?

Escapology BJJ is run by Tom Barlow & Chelsea Leah. Both of us are seasoned competitors and have fought at the highest level of Jiu Jitsu.

Tom and Chels

Tom is a 3x No Gi World Champion, European Champion, ADCC Finalist, and Polaris veteran. You may have also heard his voice without realising it, as he’s one of the commentators for Polaris.

Chelsea has won the worlds as Brown belt, medalled at every major championship as a Black Belt, and competed on Metamoris, Polaris, Fight to Win Pro, and Five Super League.

Due to our successful competition records and (arguably more importantly) our reputation as excellent teachers, we are highly sort after to teach seminars.

Whenever we teach a seminar, we are asked about curriculums and whether they’re beneficial— and it’s usually time-crunched instructors/gym owners asking us. The second question is usually whether we have any available.

Our answer to the first question is always YES, curriculums are essential— and until recently, our answer to the second was unfortunately no, we don’t have them available.

Over 150 students in under a year

Long story short, after about the hundredth question about our curriculums, we decided to do something about it and make our curriculum’s available to the world. These are the same curriculums that has helped us grow our Academy to over 150 students in under a year.

We haven’t held anything back— this is literally the curriculum we use to teach our kids classes with nothing omitted and no “fat” added.

Introducing The 5-7’s Curriculum

When we decided to make our 5-7’s curriculum available, we wanted to create something that can be instantly used by any academy and taught by anyone with a decent foundational understanding of BJJ. I’m pleased to say that we’ve achieved that.

The 5-7’s BJJ Curriculum is a 26 Week Programme that can be used in existing 5-7’s classes or to start a brand new programme. It will take the kids with zero knowledge of BJJ and teach them what BJJ is, the positions and techniques they need to know, and set them up for your more advanced programmes.

Most importantly, you’ll discover how to teach these techniques in an age-appropriate manner that the kids will love and you’ll love to teach.

Four Phase Programme

We settled on a 4-phase programme designed to help you grow your programme from scratch to a thriving class full of kids well on their way to becoming future black belts and excited to learn more Jiu Jitsu.

Phase 1 (6 weeks) – Developing physical contact comfort levels and understanding basic positions 
Phase 2 (6 weeks) – Develop an understanding of how positions link together and positional control.
Phase 3 (8 weeks) – Bottom game development (guard and escapes)
Phase 4 (6 weeks) – Submissions and paths to the back.

As you can see, each phase is focused on developing a specific aspect of Jiu Jitsu. However, within all the phases there are drills and techniques the kids will do time and time again to build skills and confidence.

The beautiful thing about this curriculum is it doesn’t mater which week a child starts. While each lesson reinforces what we previously covered, it also doesn’t require any previous knowledge of Jiu Jitsu. That means the programme can be run year round, and kids can join at any point, which is great for your academies growth.

To help the instructor understand the goals of the lesson and techniques to be taught throughout the week, each video is broken down into three sections.

Check out the video below and see what that looks like in real life:

Each video is broken into two sections…

Section 1 covers an introduction and explains what we’re trying to achieve, how it applies to Jiu Jitsu as a whole, and common errors we see when we teach this particular position.

We also discuss some idea for drills and ways to improve the kids understanding of the position. Check out an sample concept below:

Section 2 covers the core techniques for the position, drills to help improve them, and the common mistakes we see kids make. Check out a sample drill below:

Six months of lesson plans

Each video is accompanied by a lesson plan. These lesson plans can be adapted whether you have one 5-7’s class a week or multiple classes. The lesson plans are also broken down into sections to make them easy to follow.

Section 1 covers the goals of the class and safety precautions to be taken by the instructor.

Section 2 is an outline of the techniques to be taught, and some optional technique to include to disguise repetition.

Section 3 contains an approximate timeline of the class.

To give you an idea of what a lesson plan looks like and how they can be used, check out the sample lesson plan below:

As you can see, there is a huge amount included in the 5-7’s Kids BJJ Curriculum, but we’ve decided to make sure you have everything necessary to run a successful beginner’s programme— so we’ve added in a few bonuses.

We’ve added a few bonuses…

Bonus 1 – How To Teach Tiny Humans

In addition to the lesson plans and videos, you’ll also recieve our eBook “How To Teach Tiny Humans.” This eBook is an in-depth look into how to teach a kids class so students enjoy it— without stressing or burning yourself out.

We firmly believe that learning to teach is a different skill set than learning BJJ, and we’ve spent years learning and developing pedagogical techniques that are appropriate in a BJJ classroom.

In the eBook you’ll learn the flow of a class from start to finish, expectations and developmental markers for different age groups, how to deal with problem students professionally, and so much more.

Bonus 2 – Video breakdown of a 5-7’s class

Another bonus you’ll get is a breakdown of one of the 5-7’s at our academy. We’ve gone through and discussed all the different pieces of the curriculum in a real-time class so you can see just how easy it is to use.

Once we developed the 5-7’s curriculum, we handed off the programme to Adam (one of our blue belts) and have allowed him the autonomy to teach and develop the students within the framework with minimal oversight.

Adam has great enthusiasm and rapport with the kids, which is all he needs for success because the curriculum is already laid out— and we know that when these students move into our more advanced kids classes, they’ll have the basic knowledge and skills they need to succeed. No more micromanagement, thank goodness!

Don’t Take Our Word For It…

Take a look at some of the feedback we’ve had from instructors that have purchased the 5-7’s Curriculum:

“Thanks for this great work. I really like the game ideas. I’m looking forward to training with my kids and the rest of this program.” 

Mike B. (Black Belt)

“This material is excellent!” 

– Kristoff L. (Black Belt)

“Theses are second to none from one of the best in in the world. Tom and Chelsea’s knowledge and experience is exceptional!”

Malcolm E. (Blue Belt)

These video instructionals are some of the best I’ve seen. It’s great you get the videos and the lessons plans for each week.

Simon S. (Brown Belt)

Ready to get the 5-7’s Kids BJJ Curriculum

If the answer is yes, then you need to get then here’s what you’ll get if you order it today:

  • 10 Part Instructional that are filmed from multiple angles and can be download to of your laptop, mobile, or tablet so you can watch them anywhere.
  • 26 Weeks worth of lesson plans so you know what to train, and how to make the most out of every session.
  • Bonus #1 – How To Teach Tiny Humans ebook to help you teach an awesome class that’ll have your students coming back for more.
  • Bonus #2 – Video Breakdown of a 5-7’s Class so you can see how it’s taught and keep details for a successful session.
  • Any future updates we make to the Curriculum and anything we add to the final product so you have the most up-to-date version as possible.

For the amount of information, and that you getting a ready built beginner’s programme, we could’ve charged a lot of the 5-7’s BJJ Curriculum. (We’ve seen for a ready built programmes sale for $1999 in the past).

However, we love Jiu Jitsu and we want as many people as possible to have access to great kids BJJ programmes, so you can get the complete Curriculum today for only


(For a limited time)

All you need to do is click the button below, create your account, and complete your purchase.

Our Guarantee

When we started selling instructional’s, we made two promises to ourselves:

(1) The instructional’s will ALWAYS be available to download if you lose them. (2) If you don’t believe the cost of the instructional was worth the investment, we’ll give you a full instant refund.

We stand by this guarantee today. So, if for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied, let us know and we’ll give you an instant refund. Or if you ever lose a copy of an instructional send me your receipt and we’ll send you a new copy.

Are you ready to get the 5-7’s curriculum?

Click the button below and get instant access to the Curriculum and Bonuses for only £299

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download the curriculum?

Yes. If you purchase the curriculum outright, you can download it as many times as you like.

Will the curriculum work for me if I only have one / two / etc competition class a week?

Yes. The curriculum is designed to work whether you have one class a week or daily sessions.

What payment methods do you accept?

You can pay with PayPal or using a credit or debit card. All payments are encrypted & 100% secure! ????

How much is the curriculum in my local currency?

Please click the link below:

Currency Converter

Enter the course price in British Pounds and calculate the price in your currency

How long do I get access for?

You get lifetime access to this course and all updates we make. The course will be available on our courses page HERE

I’ve lost my log in details / I have a specific question.

Not a problem. Send an email to