In 2008, I fought in the same division as the Mendes Brothers at the World Championships. Even back then they were berimbolo-ing and leg dragging their way to victory.
If you look at any high-level BJJ player, they’ve probably been using the same style of Jiu Jitsu since they were a Blue Belt. They have a set game that works for them against the majority of their opponents, and they’ve practiced their game so much, it connects together flawlessly.
Over the next few posts, we’re going to build your games. This will give you a huge advantage over most other Jiu Jitsu players.
Once you have a definite game plan, you will know what to do and where to go regardless of the situation. That takes the thinking out of your Jiu Jitsu and will make you much faster.
Game Plan Overview
So where do you start? The first step is to understand how all the different areas of Jiu Jitsu fit together. The video below covers this and will prep you for what’s coming over the next few weeks.
Aditional Resources
Here are some additional resources that might help you develop your game plan.
- Download the Game Plan Blueprint – Game Plan Blueprint